Rockmart Farmers Market Accepts and Doubles SNAP!

We match your SNAP Dollar for Dollar with fruit and vegetable incentives

The Rockmart Farmers Market in cooperation with a new initiative by Wholesome Wave Georgia not only accepts SNAP and PEBT but DOUBLES every dollar spent up to $50 with fruit and vegetable incentives!

Scan your SNAP/PEBT card at the market managers booth and receive tokens to spend with our vendors that equal to double the amount scanned.  

Wholesome Wave Georgia matches up to $50 per market day so, for example, $50 comes off your SNAP card and you receive 50 wooden tokens and 50 green tokens totaling in $100 worth in tokens.

Wooden tokens can be used toward all SNAP eligible items such as produce, meats, eggs, honey, canned and pickled items.

Green Tokens can be used toward fresh fruits and vegetables.